Don't Get This Book...
Laverne JeffersonAugust 29th, 2049
Can a book tell you about the future? I'm here to say that whether or not it can do it, don't even start trying! Why? Because I have uncovered a dark conspiracy that threatens the very fabric of Portland, Maine. Perhaps even the entire world.
You've seen it; I'm sure of it. That weird book that is being passed out by those red cloaks all over America in clubs, amusement parks, concerts-basically anywhere with a bunch of people roaming around. And just like I'm sure you've seen it, I'm sure you know what the whole deal is. Everyone gets one. You get one book that you and only you can read, and it lets you know about the future.
But with that power come great consequences. There have already been instances of supernatural happenings around these books. Take the dentist in Seattle who was found in a state of delusion trying to "clean the teeth" of the pages of his book. Or the crowd of unresponsive people who only hold the Book of Truth, which has been slowly growing in number in Central Park.
You can say that it's just coincidence, but I don't think so. It's only been a day since these things have gone around, and so many people have gone missing. Just check r/MissingPersons. Usually, you get 5-10 posts per day. Just today, there have been over 50 posts. Even r/crime and r/Paranormal have had upticks in posts. People whose bodies have changed. People who suddenly get sick after one question. People who never had powers suddenly gained them. And I guarantee you that things like this are going to keep happening.
The worst part of this situation is that no one has tried to stop the distribution of these books. I've talked to the Headmaster to get the red cloak on campus to stop handing out books, but nothing. I've emailed several hero groups, but they tell me it's not their problem. Hell, not even The Mundane Zone is commenting on this problem! If anyone was going to be talking about this book epidemic, it's going to be the news people who are the most anti-hero and anti-supernatural.
Since the news isn't going to do anything, I'll make sure to keep everyone updated on the situation. We can't let this cult of red cloaks brainwash us into being people we aren't. Please resist the allure of the future. It's not something we were meant to know.